Client: Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital
Year: 2023
Services provided: Graphic solution
Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH) is a non-governmental organization of civilian healthcare professionals providing medical care on the frontline of the war in Ukraine. PFVMH was founded in 2014 to provide medical aid within the occupied territory in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. They are now facing a new, much bigger challenge – the Russian invasion of Ukraine. From day one of the invasion, PFVMH volunteers have been first on the scene in combat zones across the country, risking their lives to treat injured civilians and combatants and carrying out evacuations.
They have a website dedicated to sharing their mission and providing all the necessary resources about their foundation and how people can support them through donations or enrollment.
Our agency came in to help raise the visibility of the cause by redesigning introductory slides about PFVMH mission. The slides are now more legible and easily understandable, and more likely to catch potential donor’s eye.